
* Participation on the LMHS Speech & Debate Team

* Recommendation by your coach

* Minimum 3.0 weighted GPA

LMHS Speech & Debate team members automatically are tapped into the National Forensic League Honor Society and Pi Kappa Delta communications fraternity. 

COST: $25 one-time fee paid to Lake Mary High School

Cords: $15 payable in May prior to graduation

National Forensic League Honor Society

***  See Mr. Crisp for details.


* A nice double twisted cord for your graduation to show off your accomplishment

* A resume line for your college application

* Networking: some very prominent people are members of NFL and Pi Kappa Delta. You never know if membership might just be that clincher when you are at a job interview and your potential boss sees that you were a debater.  Remember, it's not where you matriculated that gets you the job, it's what you say and do during the interview that gets you the job. A university education just opens the door for the interview.